Becoming Restoried Reflections
#3 | The Water Flame
A sestina reflecting on the life & loss of one of our beloved Becoming Restoried Community Members. We will always remember her flame, aura, bravery, and determination to heal, be free, and adventure (these are the six end-words that populate this poem).
The Water Flame
Beneath white-capped waves, adventure
awaits a flame
with a warm, copper aura,
determined to be brave
below the boldest blue-black with a free,
determination to heal.
How does a flicker heal
in twilight depths that don’t speak adventure?
In thick, inky indigo the opposite of free?
By combing reeds with light — a steady surviving flame
burning in the water, brave
enough to tread with the power of its aura.
Only this firelight can glaze the sea with an aura
so loyal in liberating pain that dampens its values. It heals
with a persistent broadcast of brave
and became restoried by braiding adventure
fervently into its body: a flame,
that as far as we know, now, is unequivocally free.
So free
that it doesn’t refract through the foam’s surface tension — both aura
and flame
gently but confidently call to us: “continue to heal
with me, battle along the paths of curious adventure,
and believe in being brave.”
“And when the wave crests split thunder, hear my wick whispering
‘be brave.’
Don’t forget to read, teach, educate, impact, love, and
feel free
to carve space for yoga, bike rides, nature, Oprah, cooking, and meditation. Adventure into
generosity and compassion. Craft a careful,
thoughtful aura
that will
when it sees the best in people and laughs with
fierce flame.”
And when a spirit so loved becomes a flame —
unabsorbed by the shadows of the ocean — it breathes brave,
because to exhale brightness it must continue to heal
with a kind laugh and generous heart, free
to swell and knit its aura
in and with forever’s adventure.
And even though we can’t see it, the flame blazes free,
untethered. It climbs under the liquid covers of sandbeds. Its aura
sparkles like silver scales charting ocean, ready for its greatest adventure.
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